The timetable and the planned outcomes of the project will be shown in brief.
Find below an updated timeline of our project and selected dissemination activities. We adopted this timeline to accommodate for a potential (but not yet granted) prolongation.
Curated Bibliography
These papers were the most influential works to the evaluated research projects. In the following weeks, we will continue to update the curated bibliography and maintain a Bibtex/Jabref compatible library of all works associated with projects disseminated by ControlInSteel. Here you can find the first version of this bibliography as PDF or simply click on the picture below. As of beginning of Februar, it currently covers approximately the first 15% of indexed references.
For using our Bibtex/Jabref resources, please contact the project team.
Deliverables as PDF
Project deliverables and analysis results as downloadable PDF files. These files are subject to occasional updates and revisions.
D1.1 Comprehensive project overview
A document that will summarise our project work.
D1.2 Abstracts for publication
Abstracts from our publication activities.
D1.3 Minutes of the kick-off meeting
The project started in July 2020, in the midst of the global COVID-19 crisis. Nevertheless, the project started to evaluate and preprocess the first set of projects. This deliverable protocols the outcome of the kick-off meeting.
D2.1 List of projects
The full, updated list of projects. Based on these works, we reviewed and evaluated methods and solutions, issues and barriers. The list is equivalent to our online repository.
D2.2 Definition of Control Classes
The taxonomy of control related terms that was used to classify the projects.
D2.3 Impact Classification
Like 2.2 defines the control related terms, D2.3 focuses on the impact classification and dimensions. Our impact analysis is more elaborated, as it also uses an impact score per dimension. This was used to establish the semantic parsing engine. Note, the impact dimensions often are interrelated and not strictly perpendicular in a mathematical sense. In these situations we scored impact for the most probable impact aim of the project.
D2.4. Report on transferability
Using information from all project reports and already disseminated information, the project team studied the overall transferability of the solutions. With this report, we tabularly present the strongest identified transfer vector and the transfer strength. A transfer vector may be an aggregate, like hot-rolling mill or pickling line, it may also be a method such as neural networks.
D3.1 Database of projects
The link leads you to the describing PDF of the database. The database itself can be found here: ControlInSteel Online Database.
D3.2 Web page
You are using the deliverable right now. Here is a written summary how it was composed.
D3.3 Dissemination Material
A written summary on the generated dissemination material.
D4.1 Webinar / workshop schedule
The schedule of our upcoming events.
D4.2 Holding of the seminars
Short reference to our conductance of webinars, the switch to webinars was due to the COVID crisis but apparently did not limit our audience.
D4.3 Holding of the workshop on future topics
Reference reflecting that we conducted a workshop on 14.07.2022 that was devoted to future topics in the field of control and automation of steel downstream processing.
D5.1 Future Research Roadmap
The final document of ControlInSteel, a compendium that contains our analysis for future work fields. It reflects both future application fields and methods that we should focus on in upcoming research proposals and projects.