The ControlInSteel project is finished and there are currently no upcoming events planned. But you will find opportunity to talk to a part of the team during
the European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD) 2023 at the METEC in Düsseldorf
Thank you for your support!!!
BFI Colloquium (invited steel producers)
Marcus J. Neuer, "Erfolg durch Forschung: Semantische Analyse von zwei Dekaden an RFCS Projekten auf dem Gebiet der Downstream Automatisierung"
Rigorous semantic analysis of steels most influential automation projects of the last decades
M. J. Neuer, BFI
Big Data Technologies in Downstream Steel Processing
Raffaella Grieco, RINA
Optimal off-gas management in integrated steelworks
Stefano Dettori, SSSA
Strategic Usage of Digitalization in Flat Steel Production: Trends for the Coming Future
Joaquín Ordieres, UPM
2022-06-22 (Brussels)
The European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP)
Dissemination Event 2022 - 'Beyond Steel Research Projects'
The ControlInSteel Consortium presented an overview of the semantic technology used to evaluate the former project and depicted new and future opportunities for research in steel production.
How Semantic Tools Help to Understand Impact Mechanisms and Transfer Potential in Research Projects
Marcus J. Neuer
Dissemination and valorisation of RFCS-results in the field of “Advanced Automation and Control Solutions in Downstream Steel Processes” and development of a strategic vision for future research
J. Ordieres-Meré
2022-06-28, 11:00
Digitalisation in Steel Industry
This is an online seminar organised by the EELISA community and the EU, as well as the consortia of the projects WISEST and CONTROLINSTEEL.
ControlInSteel was represented in the second half and contributed the following talks:
Digitalisation as key driver for steel industry
Marcus J. Neuer
Cyber-Physical Production Systems for Production Simulation and Optimization within Complex Industrial Systems
V. Iannino
Big Data Technologies in Downstream Steel Processes
R. Grieco
Next Steps after digitalisation 4.0 in the steel industry
J. Ordieres-Meré
07.07.2022, 11:00 - 13:00 OPEN WEBINARS
Advanced Control Solutions for Sustainability
Due illnesses of speakers, this is a rescheduled, free-of-charge webinar organised by ESTEP for the ControlInSteel consortium. In this 2 hour event, we will present the project and go in to the details of advanced control solutions (a mayor pillar of the project dissemination analysis)
General Description of the ControlInSteel Project
Marcus Neuer
Control Solutions for off-gas management in integrated steelworks
Stefano Dettori
Advanced Solution for Resources Management
Davide Resegotti, Francesca Marchiori,
Plenary Discussion with Speakers
Moderated by Valentina Colla; all speakers in discussion with audience
13.07.2022, 09:00 - 11:00 OPEN WEBINARS
Distributed Autonomous Control Solutions
Welcome and introduction
Joaquin Ordieres-Meré
Multi-agent Systems to improve efficiency in steelworks
V. Iannino
AEvolution of sensor data and control system options in a a rolling mill installation
Asier Arteaga, Aintzane Soto
Interrelations between agent technology and distributed predictive control
Andreas Wolff
Quality as driver for integrated intelligence manufacturing
Filippo Avellino, Francesca Marchiori
Plenary discussions
Moderated by A. Wolff and J. Ordieres-Meré, all speakers in discussion and answering the audience
14.07. 11:00 - 13:20 OPEN WEBINARS
The future of control in the steel sector
Welcome and introduction
Andreas Wolff
Quantum computing in control applications for the steel sector
Joaquin Ordieres-Meré
On some open points in modelling and model-predictive control
Andreas Wolff
Raffaella Grieco, Alessio Ventura
Automation of complex process chains supported by artificial intelligence
Marcus Neuer
Plenary discussions
All speakers
November 2022 - Final Seminars
ControlInSteel will perform a dedicated workshop at the IFAC COSY2022 Workshop end of this year.
From controlling single processes to the complex automation of process chains by artificial intelligent control systems: The ControlInSteel Project
M. J. Neuer et al.
Optimizing Integrated Steelworks Process Off-Gas Distribution through Economic Hybrid Model Predictive Control
Stefano Dettori et al.
Cyber-security challenges in downstream steel processing
J. Ordieres-Meré
AI and ML techniques for generation and assessment of products properties data
M. Vannucci et al.
Applications of Big Data Technologies in Downstream Steel Process
F. Avelino et al.